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Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails software development is a popular web application framework built on the Ruby programming language. It provides developers a productive and efficient environment for creating robust and scalable web applications. With its convention-over-configuration approach, Ruby on Rails simplifies the development process by emphasizing best practices and providing ready-made solutions for everyday tasks, allowing developers to focus on application logic rather than boilerplate code.


Ruby on Rails​

Despite the emergence of new technologies, Rails remains a preferred choice for developers due to its simplicity, convention-over-configuration approach, and extensive community support. With its robust ecosystem of gems and plugins, Rails offers a wide range of features and functionalities that facilitate rapid development and easy maintenance. The framework’s emphasis on convention helps streamline the development process, allowing developers to focus on building innovative and scalable applications.

The Rails community remains vibrant and supportive, providing many resources, tutorials, and open-source libraries. Online forums, meetups, and conferences foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among developers. With the rise of microservices and API-driven architectures, Rails has also evolved to accommodate these trends by developing tools like Rails API and Grape. As a result, developers can leverage the power of Rails while building scalable and flexible systems that integrate seamlessly with other technologies.


We leverage Ruby on Rails to quickly prototype and validate ideas by rapidly building web applications. Its convention-over-configuration approach and extensive library of pre-built components enable efficient exploration of potential features and functionalities.


Ruby on Rails helps translate requirements into a well-defined project scope by providing a robust framework for organizing code and an emphasis on MVC architecture and built-in testing tools to establish a solid foundation for the project.


The framework’s emphasis on convention and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principles accelerates the development process, allowing Unosquare developers to build scalable and maintainable applications efficiently.


We facilitate the deployment and delivery of web applications with ease. Its built-in support for various deployment options, such as cloud platforms and containerization tools, simplifies the application’s process from development to production.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ruby on Rails, often referred to as Rails, is an open-source web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. It provides a structure for developing dynamic and database-driven web applications by emphasizing convention over configuration. Rails follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, making building and maintaining web applications easier.

Ruby on Rails offers several advantages for software development:

  • Productivity: Rails emphasizes convention over configuration, providing ready-to-use solutions for everyday tasks, which allows developers to focus on application-specific logic rather than boilerplate code.

  • Rapid development: Rails includes a vast collection of pre-built libraries and gems, enabling developers to build applications quickly and efficiently.

  • Convention-based development: Rails follows a set of conventions, making it easy for developers to understand and collaborate on projects. This convention-based approach also enhances code maintainability.

  • Good community support: Rails has a large and active community, which means plenty of resources, tutorials, and plugins are available to assist developers.

Yes, Ruby on Rails can handle large-scale applications effectively. While Rails initially gained popularity for its ease of use and productivity benefits in small to medium-sized applications, it has also evolved to handle larger projects. Many well-known companies, such as Airbnb, GitHub, and Shopify, have successfully built and scaled their applications using Ruby on Rails. What technologies are commonly used for Business Development and Analytics software development?

Several popular websites and web applications have been built using Ruby on Rails, including:

  • Airbnb: A popular online marketplace for vacation rentals and lodging.

  • GitHub: A widely-used platform for version control and code collaboration.

  • Shopify: An e-commerce platform that allows businesses to create and manage online stores.

  • Basecamp: A project management and collaboration tool.

  • Twitch: A live streaming platform for gamers and content creators.

  • Hulu: An on-demand video streaming service.

  • Kickstarter: A crowdfunding platform for creative projects.

  • SoundCloud: An online audio distribution platform.

  • Groupon: A website offering deals and discounts for various products and services.

  • Bloomberg: A financial news and data provider.

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